Billing Guidlines

Bills must be submitted on the first and 16th of each month.

Make sure that your bills contain complete information. The more information you can give, the smoother the billing process goes.

You should print two copies of your bill. One copy must be signed and submitted to the office and the second copy should be retained for your records.

Bills will not be paid until your contract, W9 form and I9, Employment Eligibility Form, have been filled out and received in the office.

Log on ID's for the billing site can be obtained, after managers approval, by sending a request including your full name, your desired password and your managers name to

Also, a signed copy of your printed bill, along with copies of receipts, must be mailed, faxed or emailed to the office before payment will be made.

2438 Constitution Avenue
Olean NY 14760

FAX: 716-373-7202

Separating Bills

A Separate bill must be made for each separate project.

Every project, prospect, company, breakdown, is a separate bill.


Only send copies of receipts.

Originals should be retained for your records.

All expenses must be receipted. We cannot pay for expenses without receipts.

Receipts must be coordinated with each bill. Multiple receipts can be copied onto one sheet but they must all apply to a single bill.

Receipts must be legible.


Miles driven will be asked for and the billing form will calculate your mileage charge.


Office supplies, phone costs*, internet expenses, printer ink, etc., cannot be billed out. They are considered the cost of running an independent business.

* Related, separately receipted phone calls are billable

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